Saturday, January 28, 2012

About Science 有關科學

C.S. Lewis 在他的 《The Screwtape Letters》有這麼一段資深魔鬼Screwtape對小鬼Wormwood交代要如何對待一名基督徒患者的教導:(C.S. Lewis 在前言中要讀者記得,魔鬼是撒謊成性的,並非Screwtape所說的每件事,甚至從魔鬼自己的角度來看,都可以拿來當真)。

感謝幾個世紀以前,我們在人群中所下的功夫的進展,使得他們在習以為常和眼見為真的情況下,無法去相信不熟悉的事物。繼續堅持給他灌輸事物的平凡性;最重要的一點: 不要嘗試拿科學(我是說,真正的科學)去對抗基督教的信仰。科學會正面的鼓勵他去思考他不能觸摸或看見的事實。在現代物理學家中,已經發生了幾個可悲的案例。



Thanks to processes which we set at work in them centuries ago, they find it all but impossible to believe in the unfamiliar while the familiar is before their eyes. Keep pressing home on him the ordinariness of things. Above all, do not attempt to use science (I mean, the real sciences) as a defense against Christianity. They will positively encourage him to think about realities he can't touch and see. There have been sad cases among the modern physicists.

If he must dabble in science, keep him on economics and sociology; don't let him get away from that invaluable "real life". But the best of all is to let him read no science but to give him a grand general idea that he knows it all and that everything he happens to have picked up in casual talk and reading is "the results of modem investigation". Do remember you are there to fuddle him.

From the way some of you young fiends talk, anyone would suppose it was our job to teach!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The Divine “goodness” differs from ours, but it is not sheerly different: it differs from ours not as white from black but as a perfect circle from a child's first attempt to draw a wheel. But when the child has learned to draw, he will know that the circle he then makes is what he was trying to make from the very beginning.

C.S. Lewis 在他的 《The Problem of Pain》有這麼一段:


Friday, January 20, 2012


"Everyone who wishes it does. Never fear. There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. To those who knock it is opened."

C.S. Lewis 在他的 The Great Divorce》裡說了這麼一段話:






Saturday, January 14, 2012


今天(星期六)5:30起來看台灣大選的結果,但是覺得全身酸痛,上下都不對勁,後來只得再去睡個回籠覺;自省的判斷結果 ─ 這個人也是老朽了。


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Virtue 美德


There is a difference between doing some particular just or temperate action and being a just or temperate man. Someone who is not a good tennis player may now and then make a good shot. What you mean by a good player is the man whose eye and muscles and nerves have been so trained by making innumerable good shots that they can now be relied on. They have a certain tone or quality which is there even when he is not playing, just as a mathematician's mind has a certain habit and outlook which is there even when he is not doing mathematics. In the same way a man who perseveres in doing just actions gets in the end a certain quality of character. Now it is that quality rather than the particular actions which we mean when we talk of "virtue."

** C.S. Lewis in "Mere Christianity"
英翻中 : by Bill

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Date                Open    High    Low     Close   Volume          Close
12/29/2011      13.86   14.15   13.81   14.03   1,686,700        14.03 
12/22/2011      14.12   14.55   14.08   14.46   1,849,400        14.46
12/13/2011      14.10   14.21   13.51   13.68   2,345,500        13.68
12/09/2011      13.90   14.40   13.90   14.24   1,216,200        14.24
12/02/2011      14.44   14.99   14.33   14.77   9,168,700        14.77
12/01/2011      13.60   14.49   13.56   14.22   4,832,600        14.22
11/30/2011      13.30   13.75   12.91   13.73   4,125,000        13.73
11/23/2011      12.80   12.82   12.46   12.61   2,767,500        12.61
11/21/2011      13.08   13.28   12.86   13.00   3,713,000        13.00
11/17/2011      13.88   13.93   13.20   13.31   4,186,900        13.31
11/11/2011      13.88   14.41   13.78   14.39   2,970,000        14.39
11/10/2011      0.10 Dividend
11/09/2011      14.13   14.21   13.34   13.39   3,980,400        13.29
11/08/2011      14.52   14.90   14.44   14.64   4,720,700        14.53

在11月上旬,與吳老師母女吃中飯時,她們問我:「Blackstone Group (BX) 在$14時可不可以買?」我不假思索的回答:「當然可以。」如今過了近兩個月,我願意與大家分享實際的一段紀錄。

11/09/2011 buy 1000 * 13.91  12/02/2011 sell 1000 * 14.88 net $950
11/09/2011 buy 1000 * 13.37  11/11/2011 sell 1000 * 14.19 net $800*
11/17/2011 buy 1000 * 13.46  12/01/2011 sell 1000 * 14.29 net $810*
11/21/2011 buy 1000 * 12.91  12/01/2011 sell 1000 * 13.93 net $1010
11/23/2011 buy 1000 * 12.51  11/30/2011 sell 1000 * 13.54 net $1010
12/08/2011 buy 1000 * 13.91  12/09/2011 sell 1000 * 14.24 net $310*
12/13/2011 buy 1000 * 13.71  12/22/2011 sell 1000 * 14.52 net $790*
12/29/2011 buy 1000 * 13.81  01/03/2012 sell 1000 * 14.64 net $810*

 *from the same account, $13,370 made $3,520 in 55 days

11/09 BX 從$14塊半掉進了$14以下,我記得告訴過她們的話,所以用$13.91買了1000股。為什麼跌了?不知道。明天就要除權,給每股$.10的每季紅利。下午跌得更低,非常高興的找另一個account,再買了1000股,每股只花$13.37。最近咭咭咂咂的這個危機,那個危機,好像天要塌下來,我相信總有高個子會先頂著。

11/11 什麼有解決危機的方案了?我也不相信。已經賺了$100的紅利,兩天再賺個$800就夠了,不要迷信賺滿$1,000,太貪就吃不到。沒想到真要氣我,真的可以賺到$1,000。市場就是如此捉弄人,習慣就好了。至於另1000股為什麼不也一起賣掉?慢慢來,誰也不知道明天會是怎麼樣?

漲不上去又開始掉了,希臘總理有點像阿扁總統,還在耍弄政治手腕,揚言要把歐盟幫他們解決國債的方案付諸公投,把國家的危機當自己政治生涯的轉機。11/17 同樣的account又買回來1000股。跌跌不休,11/21 很高興的再買1000股 $12.91,11/23更高興的又買1000股$12.51,不知道是誰在不惜血本大犧牲?

希臘國會總算把阿扁總理幹掉了,希臘問題圓滿大結局11/30, 12/01, 12/01, 12/02大清倉,每一筆都賺到該賺的。你或許要問,買到那麼便宜的,為什麼不多賺一點?不是我不想多賺一點,每個當下永遠是=、或>、或<誰也不知道下一刻會是怎樣?
