
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

日正中天the sun is in the sky

We believe that the sun is in the sky at midday in summer not because we can clearly see the sun (in fact, we cannot) but because we can see everything else.


我喜歡讀 C. S. Lewis 的文章,不是因為他和我有相同的宗教觀,而是因為他的才華,清晰的思慮、深刻的觀察和詳盡的表達。


If there ever were men who did not know the laws of nature at all, they would have no idea of a miracle and feel no particular interest in one if it were performed before them. Nothing can seem extraordinary until you have discovered what is ordinary.

If you have not yet noticed that the sun always rises in the East you will see nothing miraculous about his rising one morning in the West.




It is idle to complain that words have more than one sense. Language is a living thing and words are bound to throw out new senses as a tree throws out new branches. It is not wholly a disadvantage, since in the act of disentangling these senses we learn a great deal about the things involved which we might otherwise have overlooked. What is disastrous is that any word should change its sense during a discussion without our being aware of the change.

** Miracles – C.S. Lewis

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