
Thursday, July 12, 2012


ccv : 我了解其中寓意,謝謝

Shoujie : Evidently, human being always fall short of expectation. Question is "are they created/programmed that way?"很明顯的,人類總是達不到神的期待。問題是“人天生就是那樣子的嗎?”

Bill : They are created that way with the creator's expectation. So, they are a halfway product so far. There is a QC at the end.神造出的人就是這樣子,但是附加了神的期許。所以他們出生在世上只是個半成品,最後還有個成品檢驗。

Shoujie : You mean that perfect human being is still in the process of being created/programmed/debugged...你認為一個完全的人類還正在被創造發展中

Bill : 我認為神對人的創造已經完成,而不是還在進化中。(在創造亞當夏娃時就完成了。)

Bill : Everyone who is alive is still in the spiritual growth to fit to the expectation. Some will fit to the expectation and pass the quality requirements. An individual may fall short of God's expectation but God's expectation will not.每一個世上的活人都還在經歷靈性(人性?)的成長來達成神的期許。某些人將會達到神的期許,超過檢驗標準(神的期許並非十全十美,那是某些人的要求)。有人或許達不到神的期許,但是神的期許不會落空。

Bill : Once there was a perfect human being whose name was Jesus. If we believed that he had shown us the creator's expectation and tried to follow his teachings, you are on the way to reach to His expectation.以前出現了一個十全十美的人(沒結過婚),他的名字叫做耶穌。假如我們相信他向我們顯示了造物者對人類的期許,試著要追隨他的教導,你就會達到神的期許。

Shoujie : That is what it means by "follow Jesus" or "walk with God".這就是所謂的“跟隨耶穌”或“與神同行”。

Bill : Follow Jesus makes more sense as follow the leader/model. Walk with God is in spiritual terms. “跟隨耶穌”比較接近所謂的跟著腳步前進,或效法榜樣。與神同行就是屬靈的說法。

Bill : 以效法榜樣來說,並不是看見路邊有個瞎子,你就趕快吐口水在你手上,去擦他的眼睛,而是以耶穌的心為心,明知在安息日治癒病人會惹很大的麻煩,還是不顧一切使瞎子能看見,癱瘓的能走路。有人明知救助被撞了就跑的車禍受害者,有時還會被誣賴是肇事者,但是他還是不顧一切的去幫助受害者,雖然他不知誰是耶穌,但是他的心思意念跟耶穌一樣,同時也是神的期許。


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