
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

不解 Misunderstanding

Misunderstanding 有兩種定義 :
1. 無法正確的理解某些事物。
2. 異義爭執。

William Barclay Daily Bible Stud中提到了有關所謂真理的misunderstanding,因為他自認對真理有所了解,所以對於有爭執的另一方,他認為他們是無法正確的理解真理;只要還有誤解,就是不解。

1. 是還沒開竅。
2. 是不願開竅。

對於還沒開竅的原因,是因為那個人還沒有足夠的知識和經驗去意識到什麼是真理。William Barclay認為我們應該儘可能的向他解釋說明,使他能夠消化,了解。




There are two kinds of misunderstanding. There is the misunderstanding of the man who misunderstands because he has not yet reached a stage of knowledge and of experience at which he is able to grasp the truth. When a man is in that state our duty is to do all that we can to explain things to him so that he will be able to grasp the knowledge which is being offered to him. There is also the misunderstanding of the man who is unwilling to understand; there is a failure to see which comes from the refusal to see. A man can deliberately shut his mind to truth which he does not wish to accept.


  1. A: I have my mind opened but still do not get it....

    B: I believe I got it but just different from what you got.

    C: Well, the only thing I do not get it is..."you". Why should I read you!!!?

    1. A: Seek and you'll find; Knock and the door will be opened for you. God will lead you to know Him.
      B. It doesn't matter whether your understanding is the same as my understanding. As long as you believe in the truth.
      C. Why you have to read me?

    2. Why some people feel the need seek the truth?

      How does the truth effect your life?

      If people feel quite secure/happy/self contral/free by living without God already for years...

      Does the truth really set people free? or just....

      If yes, free of what?

    3. My need for the truth is because I dislike the things which are not true. Everyone has his/her own reasons. The truth is the foundation of my life, my thoughts and my words. With the truth I know I am on the right way.

      It really set me free that I will not be affected by others' thinking and the environments.

      I can not speak for others.
